Test 2 study guide




The second test focuses on outcomes L4, L5, and L9, which pertain to confidence intervals, t-tests, and ANOVA, respectively. This covers the following statistical inference procedures:

  1. one-sample t tests (Tuesday, Week 4)

    • two-sided alternative
    • lower-sided alternative
    • upper-sided alternative
    • confidence intervals
  2. two-sample t tests (Thursday, Week 4)

    • two-sided alternative
    • lower-sided alternative
    • upper-sided alternative
    • confidence intervals
    • power calculations
  3. omnibus test in ANOVA (Tuesday, Week 5)

    • measures of variation (MSG, MSE) and F statistic
    • ANOVA table
    • effect sizes (η2)
    • power calculations
  4. inference for contrasts in ANOVA (Thursday, Week 5)

    • simultaneous intervals for group means
    • pairwise contrasts
    • contrasts with a control

For each of these procedures, results are reported using technically precise language with which you should be familiar (“conventional style”).

Additionally, the material above introduces several “core” statistical concepts with which you should be familiar:

  • statistical hypothesis and alternative (testing framework)
  • test statistics and p values
  • type I and type II errors
  • level of a test
  • power of a test
  • test/interval correspondence
  • simultaneous vs. individual inference


The test comprises four short data analyses in which quantitative results are provided for you. In each analysis, there are several prompts which require you to interpret results in context or perform simple subsequent calculations.

You may consult any of your course notes and are allowed the use of a calculator. However, you are not permitted access to digital materials. My personal recommendation is that you prepare a sheet or two of concise notes and bring or print relevant class notes.