Lab 4: Confidence intervals

Course activity


The objective of this lab is to learn to adjust interval coverage by calculating appropriate critical values. Since you already learned to calculate an interval in the last lab, the basic mechanics of the arithmetic are familiar.

We’ll use data from a sample of 100 births in North Carolina in 2004. To change things up a little, the data is stored as a .csv file (not an .RData file). If you were to download and open this file on your computer, it would likely appear as a spreadsheet (try if you’re curious). Read in the data using the command below.

# read in data and preview
ncbirths <- read_csv('data/ncbirths.csv')
# A tibble: 6 × 4
  mother.age weeks birth.weight sex   
       <dbl> <dbl>        <dbl> <chr> 
1         36    39         7.69 male  
2         35    40         8.88 male  
3         40    40         9    female
4         37    40         7.94 male  
5         35    28         1.63 female
6         25    40         8.75 female

Recall that the general formula for an interval is:

\[\bar{x} \pm c\times SE(\bar{x})\]

Throughout this lab, you’ll manipulate the coverage by obtaining different values of the critical value \(c\). We’ll start the back-of-the-envelope approach following the empirical rule.

Intervals using the empirical rule

The empirical rule allows us to construct intervals using whole number multiples of the standard error and obtain the following approximate coverages:

  • \(c = 1\) gives 68% coverage
  • \(c = 2\) gives 95% coverage
  • \(c = 3\) gives 99.7% coverage

An approximate 95% confidence interval for the mean birth weight (lbs) in NC in 2004 is:

# retrieve variable of interest
bweight <- ncbirths$birth.weight

# interval ingredients
bweight.mean <- mean(bweight) <- sd(bweight)
bweight.n <- length(bweight)

# standard error <-

# 95% interval using empirical rule
bweight.mean + c(-2, 2)*
[1] 6.89267 7.46633

Following class discussion, we’d interpret this as follows:

With 95% confidence, the mean birth weight of babies born in North Carolina in 2004 is estimated to be between 6.893 and 7.466 lbs.

To compute a 68% interval, we need only change the critical value. All of the above remains the same except the last command, which we change to:

# 68% interval using empirical rule
bweight.mean + c(-1, 1)*
[1] 7.036085 7.322915

Notice that the interval got narrower: a more precise estimate can be given at a reduced coverage rate (which of course means the estimate is wrong more often).

With 68% confidence, the mean birth weight of babies born in North Carolina in 2004 is estimated to be between 7.036 and 7.323 lbs.

Your turn 1

Calculate and interpret a 99.7% confidence interval for the mean number of weeks at birth.

# retrieve variable of interest (no. weeks at birth)
bweeks <- ncbirths$weeks

# interval ingredients
bweeks.mean <- mean(bweeks) <- sd(bweeks)
bweeks.n <- length(bweeks)

# standard error <-

# 99.7% interval for mean number of weeks at birth using empirical rule
bweeks.mean + c(-3, 3)*
[1] 37.68726 39.41274

Because we’re only changing the critical value here, let’s save some work and write a simple function to calculate an interval from a vector of values and a critical value. (You don’t need to understand the syntax or be able to write functions in R, as this is a programming technique, but it may interest you to see how it can be done.)

# run this before continuing, but ignore unless interested
make_ci <- function(vec, cval){
  vec.mean <- mean(vec) <- sd(vec)/sqrt(length(vec))
  interval <- vec.mean + c(-1, 1)*cval* 
  names(interval) <- c('lwr', 'upr')

We can use this function to compute an interval a bit more efficiently. Check that the following give the same intervals as obtained above using fully manual calculations.

# 95% interval
make_ci(bweight, cval = 2)
    lwr     upr 
6.89267 7.46633 
# 68% interval
make_ci(bweight, cval = 1)
     lwr      upr 
7.036085 7.322915 

Try it yourself to get the hang of using this function.

Your turn 2

Use make_ci(...) to compute 95% and 99.7% confidence intervals for the mean number of weeks at birth.

# 99.7% interval for mean number of weeks at birth, using make_ci(...)
make_ci(bweeks, cval = 3)
     lwr      upr 
37.68726 39.41274 
# 95% interval for mean number of weeks at birth, using make_ci(...)
make_ci(bweeks, cval = 2)
     lwr      upr 
37.97484 39.12516 

The make_ci function is ONLY available to you in this lab, because we created it from scratch for a specific purupose.

If you try to use make_ci in a homework assignment, it won’t work (unless you copy the code cell that created the function and paste it into the assignment).

Intervals using \(t\) critical values

If you want to construct an interval with a coverage other than 68%, 95%, or 99.7%, you’ll need to use a different critical value. Instead of a whole number, you’ll need the \(p\)th quantile from the \(t_{n-1}\) model where:

\[p = \left[1 - \left(\frac{1 - \text{coverage}}{2}\right)\right]\] This is perhaps a little more complex than it looks. You could probably determine which quantile to use in your head – the quantile you want is just the midpoint between your coverage level and 1. Consider the following examples:

  • for a 95% interval, use \(p = 0.975\)
  • for an 80% interval, use \(p = 0.9\)
  • for a 99% interval, use \(p = 0.995\)
Your turn 3

Which quantile would you use for…

  1. A 96% confidence interval?
  2. An 85% confidence interval?
  3. A 98% confidence interval?

(No computation required here.)

  1. use \(p = 0.98\)
  2. use \(p = 0.925\)
  3. use \(p = 0.99\)

Calculating quantiles

The qt(...) function in R will calculate quantiles for you. It takes two arguments: which quantile you want (\(p\)) and the degrees of freedom for the \(t_{n - 1}\) model. The degrees of freedom is one less than the sample size in this case (\(n - 1\)). The following commands illustrate the calculation.

# for 80% interval from n = 15 observations, use this quantile
qt(p = 0.9, df = 14)
[1] 1.34503
# for a 92% interval from n = 30 observations, use this quantile
qt(p = 0.96, df = 29)
[1] 1.814238
Your turn 4

Calculate \(t\) quantiles for the following scenarios:

  1. 90% interval from 27 observations
  2. 95% interval from 18 observations
  3. 99% interval from 51 observations
# quantile for a 90% interval from 27 observations
qt(p = 0.95, df = 26)
[1] 1.705618
# quantile for a 95% interval from 18 observations
qt(p = 0.975, df = 17)
[1] 2.109816
# quantile for a 99% interval from 51 observations
qt(p = 0.995, df = 50)
[1] 2.677793

These quantiles are the critical values you’d use to construct an interval with the specified coverage and number of observations.

Constructing intervals

If we want a confidence interval for the mean with a specific coverage, first determine which quantile is needed as above and compute it, and then construct the interval as usual using that quantile as the critical value.

For example, if we want confidence intervals for the mean birth weight:

# 98% ci for mean birth weight
crit.val <- qt(p = 0.99, df = 99)
make_ci(bweight, cval = crit.val)
    lwr     upr 
6.84038 7.51862 
# 95% ci for mean birth weight
crit.val <- qt(p = 0.975, df = 99)
make_ci(bweight, cval = crit.val)
     lwr      upr 
6.894933 7.464067 
# 90% ci for mean birth weight
crit.val <- qt(p = 0.95, df = 99)
make_ci(bweight, cval = crit.val)
     lwr      upr 
6.941375 7.417625 

As a matter of interest, note that the critical value for the 95% interval is 1.9842. Technically, this is the value that provides an interval with 95% coverage; the approximation of 2 provided by the empirical rule is just that – an approximation.

Your turn 5

Construct and interpret a 99% confidence interval for the mean number of weeks at birth.

# 99% ci for mean number of weeks at birth
crit.val <- qt(p = 0.995, df = bweeks.n - 1)
make_ci(bweeks, cval = crit.val)
    lwr     upr 
37.7947 39.3053 

Now that you have a sense of the critical value calculation, it’s helpful to remind yourself how to make the interval fully from scratch.

Your turn 6

Repeat the previous calculation, but without using the make_ci(...) function. You should obtain exactly the same numerical result.

# point estimate and standard error
bweeks.mean <- mean(bweeks) <- sd(bweeks)
bweeks.n <- length(bweeks) <-

# critical value
crit.val <- qt(p = 0.995, df = bweeks.n - 1)

# interval
bweeks.mean + crit.val*c(-1, 1)*
[1] 37.7947 39.3053

Extra: working backwards?

If you’re given a confidence interval and you know the summary statistics, you can figure out the interval coverage by solving for the critical value and using the pt(...) function. Really, you only need to know the standard error (or sample size and standard deviation) to do this.

First, find the margin of error by taking half the interval width.

\[\text{margin of error} = \frac{\text{upr} - \text{lwr}}{2}\]

Then, divide by the standard error to solve for the critical value:

\[c = \frac{\text{margin of error}}{SE(\bar{x})}\]

Lastly, find the coverage as the area of the sampling distribution below the critical value:

\[\text{coverage} = P(T < c)\]

In R:

# example interval for mean birth weight <- c(7.030077, 7.328923)

# margin of error (half the width) <- diff(

# divide out standard error to get critical value
crit.val <-

# coverage
pt(q = crit.val, df = bweight.n - 1)
[1] 0.85

Take a moment to align the R commands with the calculations shown above and check to make sure you see how this is consistent with the way we formed the interval in the first place. Then try it on your own.

Your turn 7

Determine the coverage for the interval below for the mean number of weeks at birth.

# interval for mean number of weeks at birth <- c(37.79485, 39.30515)
# margin of error (half the width) <- diff(

# divide out standard error to get critical value
crit.val <-

# coverage
pt(q = crit.val, df = bweeks.n - 1)
[1] 0.9949928